
Base on smart cards To recognise legitimate citizens of a nation, national ID cards are issued. A National ID Card may play a crucial role in providing services for a targeted demographic thanks to the multi-application flexibility and flexible nature of a Smart Card. Each cardholder's preferred service length can be changed without having to issue new cards. When it comes to secure data transport, smart cards provide unmatched versatility. Due to the card's dynamic communication capabilities with information systems, labor-intensive identification procedures are accelerated, almost all paperwork and manual data input is eliminated, operations are streamlined, and expenses are decreased.

In order to verify a cardholder securely and let them to utilise numerous apps on the card, the National ID offering contains security features including biometrics and digital certificates.

Kyros has strong capability in Conceptualization, System Design and Integration can help the government to rollout customized ID application. Kyros has developed a CRYPTO operating system which is ported onto a dual card(contact & contactless) which is the right kind of solution for a National ID project.

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